Links & Resources
Below are free links & resources about counselling, psychotherapy, self-help, meditation and mindfulness. I draw from my training with, learning from and writings of the following relationship experts:
Ellyn Bader & Peter Pearson, Terry Real, Esther Perel, Susan Johnson, Leslie Greenberg, Stan Tatkin, John Gottman & Julie Gottman, Dan Wile, Marty Klein, Tammy Nelson, Janis Abrahms Spring, Joe Kort, Douglas Braun-Harvey, Susan Heitler, Michele Weiner-Davis, Gary Chapman, Harville Hendrix, David Schnarch, Dan Siegel, William Doherty, Pat Love, Shirley Glass, Bettina Arndt, Helen Fisher & John Norcross. There are more I haven’t named but to whom I owe much gratitude for their inspiration & astute pointers on how to keep improving my work.
Counselling, Psychotherapy & Self-Help
- Addiction self-help: Smart Recovery, Withdrawal from Addiction:
- Loving an Addict-Top 10 Survival Tips: Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself
- Anxiety & Depression resources: Black Dog Institute
- Depression & Anxiety: 24/7 help Beyond Blue Institute. 1300 22 4636
- Depression video by World Health Organisation: I Had a Black Dog
- Depression, free online cognitive behavioural programme for preventing depression: Mood Gym
- Domestic Violence: RESPECT. 1800 737 732
- Eating Disorders: The Butterfly Foundation & Overcoming Disordered Eating
- Kids Help line: Kidshelpline + Youth Beyond Blue + Under 25’s Reach Out
- Lifeline: Lifeline 24/7 Suicide Prevention Services. 13 11 14
- Men’s Line Australia: MensLine 1300 78 99 78 + Man Therapy: Man Therapy 1300 22 2638
- QLife – Anonymous LGBTI peer support and referral. 1800 184 527
- Self Help Resources for many Mental Health Problems – Anxiety, Assertiveness, Appearance Concerns, Bipolar, Body Dysmorphia, Depression, Disordered Eating (updated July 2022), Health Anxiety, Panic, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, Sleep, Social Anxiety, Tolerating Distress, Worry and Rumination
- Suicide Call Back Service: 24/7 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 437
- Veterans & Families Counselling: Open Arms. 1800 011 046
Meditation, Relaxation & Mindfulness
- 5 Ways of Basic Mindfulness Shinzen Young
- Meditation – culturally neutral, non-religious: Natural
- Free guided meditations by Kristin Neff on self-compassion – central to Buddhist psychology
- Pain – Understanding it in under 5 minutes: 5 minute video
Please give me a call today
If you want to improve your relationship and you’re interested in learning relationship skills based on 40 years of research, you may need an experienced relationship counsellor & coach. Call 0421 961 687 or email us to schedule an appointment. International callers should call +61 421 961 687.